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  • Writer's pictureMerakiMe

Tips & Tricks for Creating Items on Zazzle

The Making of My First Item

When creating my first product in my Zazzle store, Merakime, which I already created in my mind (here’s the story behind it) I was excited. I knew what I was going to do, but was curious to see the process of actually doing it on the site. Since it was all text, I figured I would be able to do it all within the site and wouldn’t have to use any outside sources, unlike if it were a photo where I would have to edit it, create it, do whatever. So I clicked create product and clicked on a mug, and that’s where it gave me all the options of which mug I wanted to choose. It took me a really dramatic (no lie) about 5 minutes to decide if I wanted to do the mug with a different color on the inside, or if I wanted no color on the inside, the different colored handle, maybe the travel mug? I’m very indecisive, but ended up choosing the different color on the inside, but white handle.


Fun fact, after you make your product, they give you the option to have it available for all the different styles, so don’t stress out about it as much as I did, you can create it once and utilize all styles they offer.

Zazzle Pricing

So although I’ve checked out the site since hearing about it, as I mentioned before, I’ve never purchased anything from the site or anything. This point in the process is somehow the first time I’ve noticed the pricing on products. I was a little surprised at how high the prices are, but like I said, I’ve never purchased from them, so I’m hoping that just means they’re really good quality. Of course, I want my products to be good quality, so I’m okay with them costing a little more. I’ll keep you updated when I order my first product (of my own design, how cool!) and let you know about the quality!

Back to Creating

So anyways, I’m creating my design and pleased to see that they offer many different fonts and options to really customize your design. I’m happy with it. It's really easy to navigate. The only thing I noticed is you can't add shapes right onto the product, so it will need to be done in an outside program and added to the design, no biggie! On I go, playing with font styles, sizes, spacing, all the good stuff. Then I realize I want to actually have the saying on both sides of the cup, because why not? What if a person is left handed? I still want everyone to see that they’re a bride/MOH/bridesmaid/MOB/MOG/GOB/GOG (yeah, I know, a lot of options) when they’re drinking their coffee! So I try to copy and paste one of the text boxes by using Ctl-C Ctl-P and nothing happens.


Fun fact, it did happen. It just puts it directly over the original text box and I didn’t even realize it. So go ahead and move the text box, you’ll see there’s two there.


Before learning this, I did learn that if you want to make a new text box with the same properties as one you already have, click on the one you already have before hitting new textbox, and when you type, it will have all the same properties as the original. Pretty cool huh?

So I’m making new text boxes, learn that it really did copy and paste all my original, so I try using the SHIFT button and selecting all the boxes at once, doesn’t work, so one at a time it is. That’s okay. I’m spending a lot of time trying to line them all up and make the spacing the same on both sides (because I have 4 different text boxes with different fonts and formatting).


Fun fact, if you hit alt and select each box, you can copy and paste it all at once. You can also copy it, save your product, create a new product, and still paste what you originally copied. - This really came in handy when I was making all those same coffee mugs, but for different people.

Well my first product (products if you include all the different people you can buy it for!) is made and up for sale! Check it out!

I’ll keep you updated on other fun facts I learn with my journey with Zazzle!

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